Custom, Optical, RF
and Microelectronics Solutions

Helping innovative OEMs win the race to market.

Design - NPI - Global Manufacturing

Comprehensive suite of services in ecosystem providing full range of manufacturing Services. 

Technology: Chip to Module to System

Customized Implementation. Integrated Solutions.

Wafer to Module Prototype in 30 hrs

Sanmina worked around the clock to separate chips from a wafer,
and packaged advanced copper pillar flip chips with ULK layers.

From Research Lab to Product

Sanmina transformed an innovative customer
chemical process into a marketable product.

Cryogenic Processes Enable Quantum Computer

Sanmina developed unique microelectronic and
optical manufacturing processes for cryogenic products.

Process Expertise Accelerates Time to Market

A large OEM trusted Sanmina to develop new manufacturing processes for
their state-of-the-art “ultra low k copper pillar flip chip die”.

Advanced Microsystems Technologies (AMT) is Sanmina’s Optical, RF and Micro-electronics division that leverages more than 15 years of experience providing mixed technology design and assembly services and best-in-class manufacturing solutions to high growth markets. As increased speed and performance requirements drive the need for integration into dramatically smaller, high density form factors, AMT continuously invests in technology capabilities to provide state-of-the-art solutions to the communications, 5G, computing, datacenter, medical, automotive and industrial sectors.

Optical, RF & Microelectronics Manufacturing & Assembly

Focused on high technology OEMs who require innovative optical, RF and microelectronic solutions, Sanmina provides integrated design and manufacturing services at the chip and module levels. Customers can leverage industry leading design and process development expertise along with our state of the art advanced manufacturing and assembly capabilities to bring to market your advanced multi-chip-modules, or  complete optical and RF modules/devices.

Integrated Design and Manufacturing Facilities

With a network of facilities in North America and Asia, Sanmina’s Optical, RF & Micro-Electronics Division provides integrated, co-located design and manufacturing teams which efficiently realize, industrialize, and ramp to volume market-ready solutions.

Comprehensive Suite of Services

Sanmina’s Optical RF & Micro-Electronics Division provides customers with a variety of service offerings to choose from such as: “Design & Build to Spec”, “Build to Spec” or “Build to Print”. This flexibility enables our customers the opportunity to engage in the design and industrialization processes as much as or as little as they want while maintaining the product IP. 

Underlying these services, customers have access to both supply chain and technical (design and manufacturing) expertise at chip and module levels in a range of optical, RF, and microelectronics technologies spanning multiple segments including telecommunications, medical, automotive, industrial and defense and aerospace.

Product Lifecycle Services

Product lifecycle services for our optical and RF microelectronics customers include:


These services ensure that supply chain management is simplified, product knowledge is retained in one organization and the benefits of outsourcing are maximized.

Faster To Market. Flexible. Global Scale.

Customers can couple their optical, RF and microelectronics engagements with Sanmina’s broader Integrated Manufacturing Services and Component Technologies to take full advantage of Sanmina’s end-to-end solutions.

Customers can benefit from Sanmina’s global footprint providing access to markets in different geographies and the flexibility to relocate or duplicate manufacturing as business needs evolve.

Learn more about Sanmina’s optical, RF and microelectronics solutions. Contact us

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