Supplier Requirements | Global Security

| Supplier Diversity | Patent Licensing


Sanmina offers a secure portal capability that provides collaboration and end-to-end functionality, supporting the entire value chain as an integral partner in our customers’ manufacturing operations. Our goal is to streamline operations by offering tools for our valued partners to collaborate with Sanmina either through direct B2B connections or by access to information and functionality through this secure portal.

Some of the web-based functionality we offer includes:

Electronic Invoicing with Suppliers

As part of our overall business process improvement strategy, we are seeking to drive greater automation and efficiency in our overall Procure-to-Pay process. The goal is to increase electronic supplier collaboration and stronger supplier relationships. One of the first key areas of focus is to automate the payables process and, as part of our business process change, we will be phasing out paper invoices. We strongly believe that the adoption of electronic invoicing will prove mutually beneficial, as this is a proven and growing solution adopted by many leading companies today. Electronic Invoicing can be emailing individual pdf files for each invoice that will be automatically scanned into Sanmina’s AP system. For those suppliers with ANSI-X12 EDI transaction capability, invoices can be transmitted via EDI 810 transactions.

Sanmina Connex

Our portal provides many powerful features for real-time business collaboration over the web. Partners can easily view and exchange documents and reports, receive notifications, conduct online discussions and more. Each partner can be set up with a project personalized to suit their business relationship.

Sanmina Supplier Portal

Sanmina Order Management, Supplier Managed Inventory (SMI), Consigned Inventory (VCI), and Release to Forecast (RTF) programs are facilitated through Sanmina’s Partner Connect Supplier Portal. Partner Connect provides many powerful features for real-time business collaboration over the web.

Using Partner Connect, Partners are able to:

  • respond to requests for new purchase orders and/or requests to modify existing purchase orders quickly and easily;
  • receive and commit to forecasts and embedded releases in real time;
  • review real time inventory information for Consigned Inventory programs;
  • view detailed Pull information and provide inventory status.

This comprehensive web-collaboration tool allows non-EDI-capable suppliers to have visibility and respond to dynamic requirements in real-time over the Internet.

EDI standards are supported for customers and suppliers in US-Americas, Europe and Asia. See links below for supplier guidelines. All guidelines are in PDF format.

Purchase Orders

VCI – Vendor Consigned Inventory Program

SMI – Supplier Managed Inventory Program

RTF – Release to Forecast Program

For more information on Sanmina Global Logistics Routing, please call 877-SANMGLO.

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